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Production & Wholesale office
China, Guangzhou:
007 (963) 7888 788
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your manager - Pankova Marta
Creative & Wholesale office
Russia, Moscow:
007 (495) 984 89 34
Our e-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
ICQ: 440185679
Skype: marta-style
What makes the look complete and holistic? Of course, it is accessories. The company "Limargy" offers the trendy and stylish accessories for dogs wholesale and retail. For our wholesale customers there are the special rates and special offers. It is profitable to cooperate with us! Do not miss the chance to see it!
Line LimAccess is constantly updated with the new products. The range is: collars, harnesses, leashes, hats, caps, shoes, socks, bags, carryings, litters, houses, jewelry, bows, gums, hairpins, and many others.
The exclusive design of products is created in accordance with the hottest trends of the season! The company "Limargy" is on the market since 2007. Our production is located in China, its every step is monitored carefully.
Line LimAccess is constantly updated with the new products. The range is: collars, harnesses, leashes, hats, caps, shoes, socks, bags, carryings, litters, houses, jewelry, bows, gums, hairpins, and many others.
The exclusive design of products is created in accordance with the hottest trends of the season! The company "Limargy" is on the market since 2007. Our production is located in China, its every step is monitored carefully.